Play for a Cure Walks for a Cure

Play for a Cure Walks for a Cure – 24-25th October, 2015

The Weekend to End Women’s Cancers™ benefiting the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute (QIMR Berghofer) is a 2-day, 60-kilometre walk through the neighbourhoods of Brisbane. It’s going to be a challenge, but we’re ready to do something bold and powerful in effort to end women’s cancers once and for all.

Play for a Cure’s mission statement is “We will raise funds to distribute to nominated cancer research agencies to support their quest in finding a cure for cancer and assist cancer patients and their families in their time of need”.  We think this weekend is a perfect fit!

Our commitment is based on our love for our fellow sisters, mothers, grandmas, daughters, nieces, and friends everywhere. It’s based on the realisation that we each need to do our part in this fight. We can walk. We can raise funds to benefit the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute (QIMR Berghofer) and their efforts to end women’s cancers. We can and choose to be a part of this movement to take down women’s cancers!

Be a part of our journey – by giving, by walking with us, or simply by sharing our story with your circle of influence. Take a chance with us – we’re going to change thousands of lives, beginning with our own.

One Weekend can change the world. Make it a Weekend we’ll never forget.  To join our team and participate in the walk you need to raise $2000.  Register here and it will guide you through setting up your own personal page.  Come on, it’s a walk in the park compared to those of our loved ones who have fought cancer – be a part of something special.

If you simply want to donate, please click here

With our eternal gratitude and thanks!

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